We offer a wide range of atm services starting right from site identification , total implementation services to site maintenance and support.
How can we help you?
Site Identification
We take a very comprehensive and strategic approach in identifying the location for the ATMs. We will consider lot of objectives along with several other ground level Key factors for identifying an ATM Location. We performs economic feasiblity analysis as our first step based on different factors like Objectives, parameters and statistical values to determine cost to profitability evaluation for each and every location.
Total Implementation Service
We provides complete Implementation Services for the end to end ATM Setup right from place Identification to the deployment. Alot of activities are envolved for the same.
Every single thing is taken care by us before doing the last step of Handover.
Site Maintenance and Support
As a part of this we provide the full take care from end to end like house keeping, Site Repair & Maintenance, Call Centre & Support services and Utility Bill payments. All the major services can be taken care for the ATM.